Thursday, May 6, 2010

Beware of Energy Vampires

Many electronic devices are ready to operate or receive signals at all times so they act like vampires silently sucking away energy even when they are turned off.  This wasted energy is known as standby or phantom energy loss.

Some of the biggest energy wasters in use today are the adapters that come with rechargeable battery-powered cordless phones, cell phones, digital cameras, music players, power tools, and other electronic devices. Most draw power whenever they’re plugged into an outlet, regardless of whether the device battery is fully charged—or even connected. Other culprits include appliances or electronic equipment with standby capability such as televisions, computer monitors and items with a digital clock display such as microwaves, DVD players, and stereo systems.

So take a look around for the Energy Vampires in your classroom, office, home, or wherever you have electronics plugged in to an outlet.


  1. My father and I always, always, always unplug our cell phone chargers when we're not charging our phones. We also always unplug our toaster - not much, but better than nothing! :)

  2. Every little bit helps, it all adds up :)


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